I'm ready for my free web app security test!

Ransomware on my PC!
Let me see…

What do I do now?

  • Unplug the network cable from your PC
  • Immediately notify your IT department
  • Use your smartphone to take a picture of your screen and the ransom note

Actions for your IT Team:

  • If possible, immediately isolate and disconnect your backups
  • Separate and disconnect all endpoints from the network
  • If possible, separate servers from one another
  • Separate all servers from the network
  • If possible, identify patient 0
  • Take photos of any ransomware notes
  • Contact your cybersecurity experts
  • Contact cybersecurity insurance company
  • Talk to legal and IR about ransomware demands

Ransomware can be deployed on your network in a number of different ways. One of them is through your web applications. For a limited time, we are offering a free web app security test. We’ll let you know the vulnerabilities identified and how to fix them. Contact us for the details!


%Cyber Security & Network Architecture%COMMONd


Our Network Security TIPs™ help you protect your network assets from unwanted intrusion and provide your organization with a sound and compliant architecture.


With COMMONd Data Breach Prevention and Management TIPs™, your organization will benefit from the do’s and the don’ts of a well-defined and well-planned governance for response.


COMMONd Technology High Availability TIPs™ will be a great asset protection mechanism for your CIA (confidentiality, Integrity and availability) for your organization. Our architecture will help you find the right balance between high availability, privacy, security, access and cost.


COMMONd Disaster Recovery TIPs™ will be a great asset protection mechanism, with the right balance between high availability, data replication, privacy, security, access and cost for your organization.


COMMONd teleWork TIPs™ will allow your organization to move toward teleWork infrastructure maturity with stability, scalability and security.

HIPAA ‘Omnibus’

HIPAA Omnibus TIPs™ will provide your organization with a sound, effective and complete HIPAA security compliant deployment with full life-cycle data breach security management.


Our Audit TIPs™ will give you a comprehensive collection of reports to help your organization eliminate unnecessary expenditures and streamline your network infrastructure.


COMMONd Virtualization TIPs™ create a seamless, responsive data flow. Our solutions can help you reduce the cost of IT development, distribute your critical assets, efficiently protect your data, and improve your IT organization's responsiveness.