Enterprise Infrastructure Optimization Practices (TIPs™) will help you define,design, and deploy best practice network improvements without breaking the bank.

Enterprise Infrastructure Optimization Practices TIPs™
IT Infrastructure optimization is the single most important ingredient for your company to benefit from a secure and highly available network. Our Enterprise Infrastructure Optimization Practices (TIPs™) will improve your network performance, minimize security risks, improve user experience, and enhance your customer satisfaction.
We will help you define, design, and deploy best practice network improvements without breaking the bank.
DEFINE – Due Diligence
Our baselining and due diligence will assist your organization to have a successful and reasonable starting point and architecture.
DESIGN – Reasonable IT Strategy
With our design, COMMONd will work with your team to improve IT infrastructure, performance, and security.
DEPLOY – Best practices for High-demand Networks
From our DEFINE and DESIGN work, the end results for you will be:
- High-performance: A flexible, reliable and secure enterprise network
- Low-latency network: Improved network speed and performance
- Secure infrastructure: Minimization of effects from data breaches and disruptions
- WAN/LAN/Wireless: Eliminate bottlenecks and improve performance
- Zero downtime: Architecture and build out for 99.999 uptime
- Disaster recovery: Architecture that addresses both physical and virtual environments
- Enables stakeholders to have a clear view of the enterprise infrastructure, before-and-after
- Delivers a stable, secure, worry-free IT infrastructure and computing work environment
- Increases productivity for your staff
- Provides flexibility and reliability with ease of use for your users, business associates and remote users
- Provides seamless IT ongoing management for your team
- Maximizes your IT dollars and return on investment
- Outstanding People: We have the very best consultants and professionals the industry has to offer.
- Integrity: We will do what is right, every time.
- Excellence in Everything we do: Perfection is where we start, not just where we finish.
- Focus: Customer FIRST, LAST and ALWAYS
- Best-in-breed: COMMONd guarantees the neutrality of our deliverables. We will give you a consistent and uniform set of service parameters and solutions without the disposition of vendors or brands.
Our experts will provide your organization with a comprehensive assessment to improve your data protection and benefit from the best practices for data breach prevention and response plans.
COMMONd security TIPs™ can help you thoroughly answer this critical question.
Our experts will provide your organization with data breach prevention and best possible management efforts throughout the process.
COMMONd Data Breach Prevention and Management TIPs™ can help you thoroughly answer this critical question.

Outstanding People
We have the very best consultants and professionals the industry has to offer.

We will do what is right, every time.

Excellence in Everything we do
Perfection is where we start, not just where we finish.

Customer First, Last and Always.

COMMONd Security TIPs™ guarantees the neutrality of our deliverables.

Enables stakeholders to have a clear view of the enterprise infrastructure.
Fully documents all aspects of your current IT environment.
Enables optimization of the performance of the network.
Provides data to improve your ongoing management and security efforts.
Delivers a stable, secure, worry-free IT infrastructure and computing work environment for your organization.
Increases productivity and provides ease of use for you to accomplish better client and patient care.
Our Network Security TIPs™ help you protect your network assets from unwanted intrusion and provide your organization with a sound and compliant architecture.DATA BREACH
With COMMONd Data Breach Prevention and Management TIPs™, your organization will benefit from the do’s and the don’ts of a well-defined and well-planned governance for response.HIGH AVAILABILITY
COMMONd Technology High Availability TIPs™ will be a great asset protection mechanism for your CIA (confidentiality, Integrity and availability) for your organization. Our architecture will help you find the right balance between high availability, privacy, security, access and cost.DISASTER RECOVERY
COMMONd Disaster Recovery TIPs™ will be a great asset protection mechanism, with the right balance between high availability, data replication, privacy, security, access and cost for your organization.teleWork
COMMONd teleWork TIPs™ will allow your organization to move toward teleWork infrastructure maturity with stability, scalability and security.HIPAA ‘Omnibus’
HIPAA Omnibus TIPs™ will provide your organization with a sound, effective and complete HIPAA security compliant deployment with full life-cycle data breach security management.AUDIT
Our Audit TIPs™ will give you a comprehensive collection of reports to help your organization eliminate unnecessary expenditures and streamline your network infrastructure.VIRTUALIZATION
COMMONd Virtualization TIPs™ create a seamless, responsive data flow. Our solutions can help you reduce the cost of IT development, distribute your critical assets, efficiently protect your data, and improve your IT organization's responsiveness.Ready to solve your IT and security issues
while you form better relationships with your clients, reduce costs and grow your business? COMMONd will support your team and your business goals and objectives by improving your digital transformation.